High molecular weight anionic polymer used to increase the effieciency of settling in clarification and filtration.
Specifically as a highly absorptive carrier of liquid ingredients, can absorb considerable oil or moisture and produce a fine, free-flowing powder.
Boiler water antifoam for controlling foaming at boiler water surface thus preventing carrying-over in boiler.
Antiscalants prevent precipitation of crystallized mineral salts that form scales inside boilers. In boilers, scaling is caused by impurities being precipitated out of the water directly on heat transfer surfaces or by suspended matter in water settling out on the metal and becoming hard and adherent.
Corrosion inhibitor is a material that attaches or coats the metal surface, providing a protective barrier film, which in turn stops the corrosive reaction from developing. Temporary coatings are often used to prevent corrosion during storage and shipment, and between machining or processing operations.
Products comprise fully biodegradable, non-hazardous components and use safe natural microorganisms to provide environmentally sensitive solutions to a wide range of sectors including aquaculture, manufacturing, industrial process, and wastewater and effluent treatment.
Antiscalant is a pretreatment water additive for reverse osmosis system that is highly effective in preventing the membranes from scaling. Before the feed water enters the reverse osmosis membrane, an antiscalant is injected into the water and sent the through the system.
Feed to the clarified juice of the evaporator supply tanktion throughout the manufacturing process.
Oxygen scavengers are added to enclosed packaging to help remove or decrease the level of oxygen in the package. They are used to help maintain product safety and extend shelf life.There are many types of oxygen absorbers available to cover a wide array of applications.
Biocides are used to control bacteria in cooling water systems. Failure to implement a good cooling water biocide program may lead to bacteria and under deposit corrosion. Under deposit corrosion occurs when bacteria occurring within the water system.
Closed circuit heating and cooling systems must be well maintained to operate at optimum efficiency so it is essential that the correct water conditions are maintained at all times. This can be achieved using carefully selected inhibitors designed to control corrosion, scale/fouling and maintain flow and heat transfer.
High molecular weight powder cationic polymer flocculant, can be used in the liquid-solids separation system including clarification
Unwanted foaming can be problematic in many commercial, manufacturing and industrial process applications, consequently it requires careful control measures to minimise or eliminate its impact.
The water within a cooling system provides optimal growth conditions for many species of bacteria, including Legionella spp. The warm environment and high levels of organic debris make for a particularly pleasant environment for rapid bacterial growth if this is left uncontrolled.
R/O Biocide products are biocide for sanitizing RO and ultrafiltration (UF) systems and membranes. Most effective as bactericides, they will also control fungi and algae when used at higher dosages. A treatment program using products will result in more effective membrane cleaning and decreased cleaning frequency.
In most instances corrosion in condensate system occurs in the decreased pH of condensate owing to dissolution of carbon dioxide gas in steam into the condensate, which is called carbonic acid corrosion.
Antiscalants prevent precipitation of crystallized mineral salts that form scales inside boilers. In boilers, scaling is caused by impurities being precipitated out of the water directly on heat transfer surfaces or by suspended matter in water settling out on the metal and becoming hard and adherent.